Sunday, April 5, 2020


Since I have plenty of free time since I'm out of school I decided to do another reshoot. First I looked over my video and tried to find any footage with a flaw in it. I found a few with a couple different problems. Some of them were shaky. A few of them had bad acting. Then there were some where whoever was filming had accidentally put his finger in front of the camera. Since circumstances have changed since we last filmed I had to alter the way that I filmed the footage. I had to use my phone instead of an actual camera because I couldn't check one out from my school. The next thing I had to compensate for was Emi not being able to help me film because we are in lockdown at the moment, this required me to use books and other things to prop up my phone so that I could film. This also made the camera steady which fixed the scenes where the camera was shaking. In order to fix the scenes with bad acting I tried to make my movements more natural and tried to make my tone sound more realistic. I didn't change the filming angles and for most of the reshoot I strictly followed the storyboard. Except for the scene in my room when I didn't spend as much time on the prop. I did this because I already has two minutes and thirty seconds worth of footage and wanted to make it shorter. When I used the camera from my phone I expected a drop in quality but it actually stayed the same when I looked at the video. I'm sure if I had an I phone the quality would have been better. After I finished filming I emailed what I reshot to Emi. I made sure to tell him I was refilming so we were both on the same page. I hope that I will have a chance to go to school and submit this. Yet the prospect of going back to school doesn't seem likely so I will just have to continue learning from home. 

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