Friday, March 20, 2020

More editing

Due to the extended break that I have due to Covid-19 I have decided to edit my video. As of the past two weeks I have been out of school and have been staying at home to avoid becoming sick. During this time I've been trying to find things to do to keep me occupied. I have caught up on schoolwork, exercised and read. Today I decided to spend my time perfecting my video. I did this several ways. First I cut unnecessary footage that made the video longer. I also cut out footage with bad picture quality. This improved the picture quality of the video and made it fit withing the time standards for Cambridge. But I didn't stop there. I also decided to check the titles that I used in the video. I changed the text font into something more interesting. I noticed that some were in the wrong order so I rearranged them. Next a made the text smaller so the viewer wouldn't be distracted from the main movie. These changes, in my opinion significantly improved the film. I also saved the video into the computer and my SD card just in case one is deleted. I researched the video to double check for any editing errors. And finally, I added new transitions so the video wouldn't look choppy. I hope that this situation in the world ends soon. However, as of now all I can do is try to stay productive.

Thursday, March 19, 2020

New Reshoot

Today a re shot my video. Since most of my footage was already high quality we only re shot a few scenes. These were scenes where the camera wasn't steady or our movements were awkward. This made the video look more natural. Since we weren't able to check out a school camera we used an i phone to record. Ironically the i phone had better picture quality than the school's camera. But since we have a tripod that could hold an i phone we had to find a way to keep the camera steady. We did this by laying the camera on a pile of books. This made sure that it was steady and in an upright position. Partway through filming the phone ran out of battery. Since Emi didn't bring his phone charger with him we had to go to the apple store and buy a new one. When we were at the store we also saw some possible props that we could use to replace the ones from our last video. This made our video look more professional and realistic. Also in our last video we had my brother have a role in the video but in the re shoot we didn't. This is because his part would have made the video too long. Also to save time we made the final scene shorter by only including me walking to the door. The last time we shot it we included a long conversation before that. The final adjustment that we made was to film during the day. Last time we filmed at night which didn't make sense because the main character was supposed to be eating breakfast for the video. With the edits that we have made I feel confident that we have made an excellent video. I'm excited to submit my video and I hope that everyone reading this is healthy and safe.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Unable to edit

Today I did not have the opportunity to film or work. Due to the coronavirus outbreak in Florida school has been cancelled. This has been put into effect Nationwide. I was not able to check out a camera last week if I wanted to film. I will probably film my CCR through my phone. I also wasn't able to edit because I couldn't go to school. Fortunately, we saved our film on an SD card so we can edit it at home. We finished the during process for our film last week so now we just need to submit it. In order to submit it we need a school laptop and at least an hour to download it. Right now we are rewatching the video to make sure that we have properly edited and filmed it. We need to do this so we can download it to the computer the moment we come back to school. We also need to add title credits to the video. We will need to use our notes as reference and might have to download editing software to our computer to do this. Another thing we need to add is music. We are using royalty free music so we need to give credit to the website in the title sequence. As of now and next week we will try to stay healthy. By practicing proper hygiene and social distancing we should avoid charging this virus. Hopefully we will come back to school in time to take our AICE tests and submit our work. We are confident that we will have a good video to submit when we get back. And I am excited to get back to work.

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Re editing

Yesterday we re edited our video. When we did this we used footage from both our original video and the one that we re shot. We re shot our film last weekend and added a few new shots. In addition to this we also improved some of them. When selected the video clips we used the ones that were less shaky. When we filmed last weekend we used a tripod to make sure that the camera was steady. Then we found a website for royalty free music. Then we used a rock and roll song that fit the vibe for our film. We used the music for most of the opening scenes of the movie. Then in the last thirty seconds we started the dialogue. We also added a fading away affect on the music. In our opinion, this made the film transition smoothly. We also added our titles in this editing session. This is something that we didn't do last time. We followed all the guidelines and made sure that our titles came in the proper order. We also spaced out or titles so that they were showing through most of the video. Finally we added transitions. We did this to stop our video from being choppy. I think that we made an amazing film. I greatly enjoyed working on this project.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Re shooting

Over the weekend we reshoot our video. Fortunately this did not take very long because we put in a lot of effort our first time filming. We reshoot the opening scene to make sure that the acting was good enough to post. We used the same costumes as before. We also used the same props as the first time. We used a tripod that I had at home to make the camera steady. This improved our video. However I believe it would have been fine without it. We did the reshoot on Sunday like before. It was a very enjoyable process. We also paid attention to the shots and angles we used. We made sure that we used all the required angles. We had a high and low angle like before. This time the tripod improved the quality. We also used an over the shoulder shot. We also used an action match which we didn't do before. Like I said before the tripod improved the quality of all of our shots. We also had less background noise than before which improved out audio. This time a think that our video's quality was greatly improved. We both enjoyed filming. We look forward to subitting our video.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Peer review

Yesterday we did our peer reviews. Me and Emi reviewed Angelo's video. The video I peer reviewed was very good. It was already edited. One of the recommendations I made was for him to make the video shorter because it was eleven seconds too long. His video was about a boy playing basketball. I think that he did a good job developing a story. I also like how he made the transitions clean and made the video flow well. Another thing that he should fix is his titles. He did not have enough and they were not in any order. 

The next thing that I scrutinized about the video was the lighting. I think that the film was well lit but his choice of lighting filters should be changed. He used a green light filter which I think was confusing to the mood he was trying to create. For the sound effects I feel like some of the voices in the video were too faint. But I think that overall the digetic sound in the video was good. For nondigetic sound it was mainly basketballs hitting the ground and the volume was good. When I watched his video I could tell that he put effort when he made the sound effects. This was obvious by the clean and crisp sound that I heard. I could see this same effort with the lighting. Even though he used some bad filters he used them with good intentions.

Finally we looked at his shots and angles. Some angles and shots that he needed weren't in the video. When it came to angles he only had one that he needed which was a low angles. He did not have a high angle. For shots he used most of them except for a close up and over the shoulder. He also forgot to use a shot reverse shot. One thing that I liked about his video was his use of flashbacks to tell his story. One suggestion that I made was for him to add all of the missing shots and angles. Overall I believe that it was a good video. I think that what I learned here can be used in my own film.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

filming pt 3

Today we were finally able to film. For the past two weeks we couldn't do this due to our schedules. Fortunately we had prepared for this and decided to film on this date. As we filmed we followed our script and storyboard which led to us creating a good video. Our location for filming was my house. We started filming at around one O' clock and finished at around two. This was shorter than we expected. We were able to film faster because our shots were good enough that we didn't need to reshoot. Next class our film will be edited by us. During this time it will also be peer reviewed by another group. As we filmed we used the shots and scenes that we wrote in the storyboard. We often reffered to this to decide what we would do. We used high angles, low angles, and bird's eye angles. We also used close up shots, long shots, and wide shots. I am confident that we made a good video today. Me Emiliano flawless acted out each scene. We were also creative with our filming props. We often used household objects like an oven and toaster. We also created our own props by drawing on a sheet of paper. And I think when we film tommorow it will only improve our movie. I also think that other groups peer reviewing our footage will give us valuable insight on how we can make our film better. We are both looking forward to Monday.