Monday, October 21, 2019

Storyboard, Camera Movement, and Angles

Today in media we worked on our storyboard for our commercial. In a storyboard each slide is 6 seconds. And our commercial must be 30 seconds so we need 5 slides. We draw what is going to happen in each set of 6 seconds for each slide. Below the slide there are lines for us to explain what is going on. We will write what the person in the slide is doing and then we write the camera angles and movement. There are different types of camera movement. The main ones that we will use are pan and tilt. The angles that we will use are low angles, high angle, and medium angle. The shots the we will use are long shot, medium shot, medium long shot, and wide shot.

In our video our storyboard begins with a wide shot of a girl in a sprinting position. Our next slide will show a boy with a football in his hands in a fetal position. Our third slide will show a boy stretching his arms he is about to perform push-ups. We will then show the three athletes consuming different Gatorade products in a split screen. We will then use another split screen with a voice over saying the three traits that each athlete represents. Finally we will have our last slide be a title screen with the word Gatorade. Our first 18 seconds will show the three athletes preparing for there activity and the last three will show how they represent the Gatorade brand. We will use a variety of camera angles, movements and shots. Gatorade is a sports drink and this is why we our actors are performing athletic activities. We will start filming in two days.

Our angles include low and medium. We will use wide shots, medium wide shots, long shots, and an establishing shot. I look forward to starting this film.

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