Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Editing Lesson Blog

In order to film we will be given cameras. These cameras will come fully charged and will have a strap for our hand. They take a while to charge but hold their charge for a while. These cameras turn on the moment they are opened and turn off when closed.

Along with the camera we will also recieve a tri - pod. The camera is attached to the tri pod with a loose screw. This will make the camera unstable which is why it can be tightened with a knob that is on the camera. This will make our video look more proffesional. The tri- pod also comes with a crank that can elevate the camera. in order to remove the camera from the tri - pod you simply unscrew it from the tru pod. It is unadvisable to carry the tripod when it is open or when the camera is attatched to it. 

In order to edit our footagw we need to make a folder for it on our desktop. We move the footage from our sd card to the folder. In order to find the pictures that we took we go to DCIM on our desktop. If our photos aren't on DCIM we can go to AVCHD, click on private then stream and all the photos that have been taken will be there but they won't be organized. You should always see if your photos are on DCIM before checking AVCHD. The process is called dumping

In order to edit our footage we log onto pinnacle studios and click on edit. If there is a tutorial video on there then we can click on new project. We then import our footage from the computer desktop to pinnacle studios. After this all the raw footage can be seen on the top of the page. Then we can start editing.

Now there are certain terms related to this process that we learned. There are 3 tracks were we place our media in. AV track 1 is for titles. AV track 2 is for film. And AV track 3 is for music.  In order to split a film clip you hit the razor blade button. The term exporting is taking footage out of pinnacle studios and importing is putting it into pinnacle studios 

This is an overview of the process for making our commercial. When we are finished we will render our footage and make sure that it all runs smoothly I look forward to making this commericial. 

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