Thursday, October 24, 2019

First day of filming Blog

Yesterday I went down to the track field to film my commercial. Before I went down to film I grabbed a camera and a tripod that was provided by the school. Then I went to the bathroom to change into athletic clothes because I was filming a Gatorade commercial. I changed into sneakers, red gym shorts, and a white t shirt. When I got to the track field a lot of people were also walking in that area so I had to wait before I could film. While I was waiting I inserted the SD card into the camera and then I attached the camera to the tripod and made sure that it was secure. After I secured the camera to the tripod I made sure all of the Gatorade products were there. For the commercial I used Gatorade chewables, protein bars, and bottles. After that I made sure that I had all of the sports equipment that I needed. For this commercial we were using a football. By then the track field was clear enough to begin filming.

First I filmed a sprinter running and then drinking a Gatorade bottle. For this we first filmed Katherine going into a sprinting position. We did this by using a low angle and a wide shot. After a few shots I had a final shot. Next I was filmed preparing to and then performing push ups. First I was filmed performing several stretches to get prepared. Then I was filmed performing a push up and then taking a break to eat a Gatorade chewable. My part was filmed in the grass that the track field surrounded. We also had to take time to find which areas had the best lighting. During our next class we will finish filming.

Before we left we also filmed Amy doing a handstand in the grass. Then we went back to the class to dump our data. When I arrived I had to wait for an open computer because we arrived later than some of the other groups. Then we took the SD card out of the camera and transferred the data to a USB. Then I plugged the USB into the computer and opened a new file to place my footage. I then opened the file to make sure that the data was there and took the USB out of the computer. It is always advisable to dump your footage otherwise it could get deleted off the SD card. After this I returned the SD card, camera and tripod to their compartments. I think that by next class we will have finished the filming stage of the commercial. I can then start the editing process to create the final product.

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