This week my group and I started editing our commercial. We weren't able to edit it last week because the computers weren't functioning properly and two of our group members weren't present. We started off our editing by moving into a quiet room and recording our voice overs. This took several tries because each of our lines had to be at least six seconds. We were each given a line to say and we had to speak with a certain tone and pace. Finally in the end we all repeated one phrase very slowly. Once we recorded our lines we placed the SD card into a USB. After doing this we transferred the information in the SD card into the computer. We were now able to place the audio in certain scenes of the commercial. This would lead us to the next strep in the editing process.
After recording our voice overs we decided to continue recording in the smaller room. We did this because there weren't as many distractions than if we worked in the main class room. We started by creating our title slide. This slide had a black background with Gatorade written in all caps and in orange. It took us some time to find the right font and color. In the end we found by looking up the Gatorade font. After this we wanted to add a split screen with a title of a trait that an athlete represents and the athlete. It took us some time to figure out how to create a split screen but in the end it came out well. Next we worked on our transitions for each slide. Luckily our editing platform had a wide variety of transitions to choose from.
Unfortunately we didn't have enough time to finish editing so on Friday we will continue and most likely finish editing our video. We still need to finish our transitions and add any other special effects to our commercial. We will also have to cut out some footage to make sure our commercial is 30 seconds long. Fortunately we have a lot of footage so we can cut out anything that we don't need or is low quality. We might also edit the brightness of certain clips to make it appear as though it was filmed at night. This could help with the overall message that Gatorade helps energize athletes. In the end will check to make sure that our video runs smoothly and then submit it to our teacher. Then our video will eventually be viewed by Cambridge and scored. I am confident that my group and I have put in the effort to get a decent score. And I look forward to finishing the editing process.
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