Monday, December 2, 2019

Filming 2

On Friday me and Emileano went to our friend Luc's house to film. I arrived at twelve and Emileano arrived at about 1:00. We didn't have a memory card so we had to use Luc's I phone. Luc's phone camera actually had better quality then the camera so this worked out well. Due to us having no memeory card we did not use the camera or tri-pod that day. We filmed in the dining room and Luc's room the filming process took about an hour. I used a button down shirt that Emi brought. For instruments we used Luc's keyboard and harmonica. I played the harmonica, Luc played the keyboard and Emi filmed. We all played an importamt role.

The first scene we filmed was the bar scene where me and Luc used water and tapped our glasses and drank. Then we filmes us dancing to the song with our glasses. This scene took a few tries. When we did this scene me and Luc both had hats to give a cheery mood. Then we filmed a close up of Luc playing the keyboard with me in the background playing the harmonica. After this we filmed a close up of me playing the harmonica. These scenes will take up most of our video and probably took about a minute to film. We have plenty of footage to work with and cut when we edit. We had the song playing as we were filming. And me and luc tried to play the song with our instruments when filming.

In the end of the day we were satisfied with our work. We looked over our footage one last time. We didn't need to re film anything. We spent the rest of the time planning for our editing. We looked at footage that we would cut and talked about the order we would place each scene in. Then we skatboarded for a little bit. Until Emi was picked up. Then I was picked up. Filming the video was a fun process. I look forward to submitting the video. 

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